Catholic Formation, Academic Rigor,
Leadership and Service
Rooted in the mission of the school and designed to foster the achievement of the philosophy, mission, vision and goals of the school, the program of studies at Sacred Heart School is guided by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, the requirements of Louisiana Department of Education, the Louisiana Board of Regents college admissions requirements and the general entrance requirements of colleges, universities and career training programs. The curriculum development is the responsibility of the Administration and faculty.
The school follows the Louisiana Department of Education Bulletin 741, Non-public School Standards.
Sacred Heart School students are encouraged to prepare themselves for future study and/or careers by challenging themselves to a rigorous course of study. All students must meet the graduation requirements of the State of Louisiana Department of Education and Sacred Heart School as specified.
The K-12 curriculum is drawn from the Catholic and Core Subject Standards at each grade level, considering developmental appropriateness and rigor in teaching and learning.
Sacred Heart School is committed to identifying student needs in key academic areas and serving those needs in the course of the school year by providing students with the opportunity to repeat courses mandated by the Louisiana Department of Education and Sacred Heart School in order to receive a high school diploma.