Sacred Heart School recognizes that access to the resources of the Internet can be a valuable teaching/learning and communication tool for teachers and students. Access to the information available via the Internet allows students to use the wealth of thousands of databases and libraries around the world, to interact with content area experts from around the world, to conduct joint projects and studies with other students and teachers in a global community. The use of the Internet as a scholarly tool is a necessary skill to all students. As much as possible, student use should be directed to or structured in ways that point students to educational sites that have been evaluated by the professional staff prior to use or have been recommended by reliable professionals. Sacred Heart School also recognizes that the wealth of information on the Internet poses some very real dangers and potential problems for its students and teachers. Notwithstanding supervisory and software-based safeguards put in place to minimize the risks against students being exposed to morally, spiritually and legally objectionable materials, these risks cannot be completely eliminated. Sacred Heart parents and students must share with the school the responsibility for using the resources of the Internet only for moral, legal, educational, life affirming and spiritually uplifting opportunities and experiences. And, outside of school, parents bear the responsibility of guiding their children’s use of other information sources such as television, telephones, radio, movies and other media that may contain offensive materials. The use of the Internet and email services will be offered to teachers for the purposes of communication within and outside of the school. The use of the Internet and email services may be offered to students on a limited basis in keeping with what is appropriate to the age and need of the students. These resources are to be used at all times in keeping with the philosophy and mission of the school, to be used to contribute to the school’s goals and objectives and always in a manner appropriate to Christian men, women and young people.
As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Sacred Heart School uses Content Filtering to assist in protecting students from objectionable materials on the Internet. This Content Filtering will apply to students logged onto devices provided by the school andusing their individual school Google account both on and off campus.This does not absolve parents and students of their responsibility to observe all school policies and procedures. Students will be required to complete and pass a Digital Citizenship Course at the beginning of each school year prior to using the Internet on campus.
In order to maximize the benefits of Internet and school network usage and minimize the dangers, Sacred Heart School has developed a set of rules and procedures for student use. The rules and procedures may vary with the age of the students involved. School procedures will outline the specific purposes for which students and teachers may use Internet services, the specific obligations of faculty and students, and guidelines for acceptable, legal, ethical and efficient use. The use of school network services is considered a privilege, and the Administration may revoke that privilege for any misuse or violation of its acceptable use or for any other reason at any other time.
The curriculum for ALL Sacred Heart students requires Internet use. Students in grades 4-12 are required to sign and adhere to the “Acceptable Use Policy” annually. These documents are kept on file in the school office. Students in grades K-3 will sign a modified Acceptable Use Policy which is age- appropriate. Internet use for grades K-3 will be teacher-bookmarked sites only. Browsing and searching is prohibited and will be monitored and filtered by electronic means and teacher supervision.
The Sacred Heart School Internet resources will be used for professional communication by the staff and in pursuit of specific educational objectives. Student access will be limited by the educational objectives set by the teacher as appropriate to the age of the students.
Student use of any social networking, postings or digital communications such as, but not limited to, those made available on Facebook®, Twitter®, LinkedIn®, Instagram®, Snapchat®, etc. may result in disciplinary action if the student’s content includes disparaging or defamatory comments regarding the school, faculty and/or other students, or is otherwise inflammatory and/or inappropriate. Blogging is permitted only in classes where the blogs are created and monitored by faculty/administration and are part of the curriculum.
The school reserves the right to monitor, inspect and archive all files and electronic data and messages of students and faculty members pursuant to the enforcement of its policies, to insure that rules and procedures are being followed and to maintain the integrity of its systems.
Students are representatives of the Sacred Heart School community and must conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively impact or cause injury to the reputation of either the school or the school community.
Inappropriate language, either stated or implied, that may be offensive or inflammatory is strictly forbidden.
Access to materials unsuitable for a school environment is prohibited.
Violation of copyright, trademark, trade names and other intellectual property laws and licensing agreements is strictly prohibited.
Downloading or importing files or digital information/images from the internet or any portable media brought from outside the school is strictly prohibited.
Impersonation and/or anonymous posting/publication is prohibited.
Any use of the Internet, computers or school’s communication systems for any purpose other than curriculum-related work is prohibited.
Students shall have equal access to the Internet and all communication systems and should be considerate of others (including time and computer supplies).
All unwanted threatening and/or harassing messages are prohibited and should be brought to the attention of the teacher or the supervising adult immediately, who will then report the violation to the Administration.
Any effort to disrupt Internet services or computer systems by spreading computer viruses, vandalism, unauthorized entry or destruction of computer files is strictly prohibited, will be referred to the proper authorities for investigation and may result in criminal prosecution.
Students are not allowed to open any folders on the network other than their own designated folder. Browsing, deleting, adding or any type of editing done to someone else’s work will be a violation of this Acceptable Use Policy.
Playing online or any computer games is prohibited. Only those educational programs that are part of the school curriculum may be used with permission granted by the supervising teacher.
All computers are for research or school assignments only. Online games, shopping and/or other non-educational use are strictly prohibited.
Information created, received, transmitted, stored, held, copied, viewed, read, attached to or printed using the school’s communication systems is not protected by an individual’s right to privacy. It is the right of the school to access, review, and archive all such information at its discretion, including disclosure to third parties when deemed warranted.
Students in grades 4-12 may search using search engines that have been approved by the school. Students in grades K-3 may not use search engines.
Students in grades K-12 will be assigned a unique User ID and Password for use on school computers. Students will be held accountable for keeping this information private and for logging off the computer when work is completed. If a student finds that the previous student has not logged off of a computer, the student must first log off then log back on with their own User ID and password. Violation of this policy will be grounds for referral.
Students are prohibited from accessing web-based e-mail, newsgroups, online journals, social networking sites, blogs, etc., with the exception of those created and assigned by teachers and under the supervision of teachers at school.
Students of Sacred Heart School will not post or transmit names, contact information, photographs of or any other information about Sacred Heart School, themselves, other students or faculty/administrators/staff of Sacred Heart School on any website, newsgroup, instant messenger, email, social media or any other online service.
Sacred Heart School provides email accounts and online storage to students in grades K-
These accounts are monitored by a Human Monitoring System which notifies school officials of any misuse, impropriety or threatening speech within email messages or documents within the account. These resources are for educational purposes and shall not be used for any other purpose, personal or otherwise. These services allow students access to files, communications and projects on and off campus without the need for other portable media or communications methods. All rules and consequences previously mentioned also apply here.
During times of extended school closures, Sacred Heart School faculty and staff will continue to communicate with students through various means. We recognize that online safety is of huge importance, and we hope that this document helps to protect both school staff and students while online. We recognize that online collaboration is essential for distance learning. Sacred Heart School will provide a Chromebook for each student with access to a variety of online tools, which will assist in providing more effective teaching and learning, while also enabling greater communication between staff, families and students.
Toward protecting the privacy of our students, families and staff, the recording, screen capturing or photographing of video learning sessions is prohibited.
Staff, families and students are expected to behave in an appropriate, safe, respectful and kind manner while online.
It is the duty of parents/guardians to supervise children while they are working online and to ensure any content submitted to their teacher is appropriate.
Staff members can communicate with students and their families using Renweb/FACTS, Email or through an established app (Google Classroom, ParentSquare, etc.).
Any electronic forms of communication will be for educational purposes and to allow for communication with families.
For video sessions, faculty and students will use Google Meet with their school provided Google account (, a link will be provided within the Google Classroom. Students may only log in to the session with parental permission.
Our teacher and classmates will see what is behind you. Make sure it is appropriate and not personal.
Find a quiet space where you will not be distracted by family members. Let your family members know that you will be participating in an online class meeting.
Think of the space you are using as your classroom. This means dress as if you were in school and keep your conversation school appropriate.
You should only be having a teacher-led conversation while the teacher is present. When the online class meeting is over the teacher will end the call for the entire class.
Recording online class meetings whether via video, audio or still images (screen captures, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
You may not invite others (share the link) to any Meet session/class.
An age-appropriate form of this statement will be read at the start of each online class meeting: “Whenever we participate in remote learning through the use of video communication, it is important that we continue to respect the privacy/confidentiality and intellectual property rights of our school community for both students and teachers. By participating, you as students agree that you may not save, record, share or post a session or any photos/screenshots from a session. Please remember that all school rules and Acceptable Use policies apply during these remote learning sessions.”
Microphones are to be muted unless otherwise given permission by the teacher.
The Chromebook is an educational tool and should be used in that capacity only.
The student is responsible for safekeeping of the Chromebook at all times.
The student is the only authorized user of his/her assigned Chromebook. Never share or swap Chromebooks with another student. Keep your password CONFIDENTIAL.
Do not EAT or DRINK near your Chromebook.
When cleaning is necessary, use a soft dry cloth.
Do not mark the Chromebook in any way with markers, stickers, etc.
Do not remove School labels or inventory tags.
Do not insert foreign objects into openings of the Chromebook.
Students are responsible for the care of theirChromebooks.
Do not leave Chromebooks in vehicles. Computers cannot tolerate extremes in temperature.
Chromebooks and power cords must be returned to school at the appointed time.
If a Chromebook is stolen, the police and the school office must be notified immediately in order for the Chromebook to be traced and disabled.
If a Chromebook is lost, the school office must be notified as soon as possible.
Parents are responsible for repair and/or replacement cost of damaged, lost or stolen
Chromebooks and power cords.
Parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring his/her child’s use of the Chromebook at home. School policies continue to apply when using the computer online at home.
The consequences of violations of the acceptable use policy for use of the Internet and school network may include suspension of privileges, revocation of privileges, school suspension or expulsion, legal action and/or criminal prosecution depending on the severity and circumstances of the violations. Penalties may also include any other appropriate disciplinary measures determined by the Administration.