Attention! Calling all Sacred Heart Trojan Alumni!!!
As we all know, aging is brutal, not only to our bodies but also to structures. With that being said, after more than 50 years of Friday Night Lights, football practices, half-time performances, elementary football games, Homecoming presentations, dedications and Powder Puff games, it is time for the lights on our football field to be replaced. After receiving proposals for the project, the total cost to replace the lights is projected to be approximately $450,000. Realizing the funds cannot be obtained from one source, we are asking all Sacred Heart School alumni classes to participate in our Trojan Light ‘Em Up Challenge. While there is no monetary donation too small, the goal of the challenge is for each alumni class to raise a minimum of $5,000 for the purchase of the football field lights. The alumni classes that raise the most funds for the Light ‘Em UpChallenge will be honored during a presentation before the first home football game of the season after the project is complete. A commemorative recognition containing the top winning classes will also be located at the football field as acknowledgement for their contribution to the project. We are extremely fortunate to be receiving the following donations, which have been pledged or collected toward our goal:
Sacred Heart School - $150,000 SHS Athletic Capital Campaign (remaining funds from locker room renovation) - $8,387.30 Sacred Heart Church - $10,000 Blue-Gold Champ - $10,000 Blue-Gold Club - $10,000 PTC - $10,000 (Donated for 2022 iGiveCatholic) 2022 iGiveCatholic - $4,245 2022 iGiveCatholic Diocesan Prize Money - $800 Father Tom Voorhies - $1,000 (from personal funds challenging individuals) Donation: Mr. Drouet and Mrs. Jackie Vidrine - $5,000 Donation: Mr. Floyd Soileau - $500 Donation: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Launey - $300 Donation: Stromer Family - $5,000 SHS Foundation: $20,372 2022 SOLA Giving Day: $3,875 ($2,875 Donors + $1,000 Matching Donation from the Evangeline Foundation) Several Anonymous Donors: $893.73
Total - $251,658.37 with an approximate remaining balance of $198,341.63
Let’s show our competitive Trojan pride and spirit by giving back to our school that not only provided an exemplary Catholic education, but also gave us so many treasured memories………and Light ‘Em Up!!!!