In accordance with the aim of providing students at Sacred Heart School with the opportunity for social activities on a school level, dances held at Sacred Heart are directed toward wholesome and proper recreation for young people who are of high school age. Admittance to school dances is based on the principle that those attending are rightfully under the authority of the school and can be made to adhere to all or any of the school rules deemed appropriate for such functions. Therefore, admittance to all Sacred Heart School dances will be for Sacred Heart students and their dates. Students and/or their dates will not be allowed to leave before the dance ends (unless extenuating circumstances are present and authorization is received from a chaperone). Rules for Students: 1.Students must attend the previous full day of school in order to attend the dance the following night. 2.Students who are serving a suspension during the time of the dance will not be
allowed to attend the next school dance. 3.Students are to enter the dance promptly when arriving onto campus. Loitering in the parking lot will not be permitted. 4.Smoking, use of any tobacco and/or drinking will not be allowed at any school function. 5.Food and/or drink will not be brought into the dance. 6.No student should have possession of alcohol on the school grounds and/or consumed alcohol prior to a dance or other school activity. All students and their dates are subject to various tests for alcohol use before admittance to, during, and after dances or other school activities. 7.Students attending any school function cannot violate any school rule that they would have to adhere to during regular school hours. 8.If in the judgment of the chaperon(s), anyone is found to be intoxicated, in possession of alcohol or any other drug, they will refer to the alcohol and drug policies in this handbook to determine their actions. 9.Students must wear appropriate attire as stated in the handbook. 10.Inappropriate displays of affection are not allowed at dances. 11.If a student or his/her date’s conduct merits removal from the dance or social function, the parent/guardian of the child will be notified. After the parents are notified, the child will remain at school until his/her parents arrive. 12.All dances are for Sacred Heart students and their dates only. However, elementary and/or junior high students from Sacred Heart or any other school may not attend any high school dance. 13.Anyone who is not a Sacred Heart student must comply with all rules, as is expected of all Sacred Heart students. PROCEDURES FOR CHAPERONES 1.A member(s) of the Administration and/or faculty will attend each function to be in charge and assist the chaperones. 2.Chaperones will have the authority to enforce all rules as designated. 3.For each particular function, there will be an adequate number (determined by the Administration) of chaperones. 4.Chaperones will be stationed at all exits of the gym, near the restrooms and will meet 30 minutes before the scheduled event.
5.All chaperones must have up-to-date Safe Environment Certification. SPRING COTILLION RULES 1.The Cotillion Tea will begin at 4:30 p.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. (on the day of the event) 2.The Cotillion Presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the senior line-up at 6:15 p.m.
Students will be subject to a breathalyzer test upon arrival at the gym for the Cotillion Presentation. 3.Students attending the presentation will not be allowed to leave until the end of the dance unless checked out personally and accompanied by a parent. 4.Individual pictures will be taken, the DJ will set up the equipment and the gym will be prepared for the dance at approximately 8:00 p.m. Students are not allowed to leave during this time (unless extenuating circumstances are present and authorization is received from a chaperone). 5.The DJ hired for the dance will play from 8:00 until 10:30 p.m. 6.Students must comply with all rules for Sacred Heart School social functions.