Miss SHS: Rose Ardoin Mr. SHS: Rhett LeJeune Most Intelligent Girl: Greta Smith Most Intelligent Boy: John Michael Duplechin Girl Most Likely to Succeed: Jillian Mayeaux Boy Most Likely to Succeed: Evan Fontenot Most Beautiful: Caitlyn Vidrine Most Handsome: Abram Manuel Most Christian Girl: Rose Ardoin Most Christian Boy: Alex Estilette Most Popular Girl: Olivia Tate Most Popular Boy: Gabe Fontenot Best Girl Dancer: Lily Deshotel Best Boy Dancer: Charley Andrus Best Dressed Girl: Laci LeBas Best Dressed Boy: Abram Manuel Most Athletic Girl: Rose Ardoin Most Athletic Boy: Jude Hebert Friendliest Girl: Aubrey Chapman Friendliest Boy: Rhett LeJeune Wittiest Girl: Olivia Tate Wittiest Boy: William Jorden and John Michael Duplechin Most Musical Girl: Greta Smith Most Musical Boy: Isaiah Rion