Catholic Formation, Academic Rigor,
Leadership and Service
It has been the experience of the Church that one of the most important ways of strengthening and confirming one’s faith is a retreat from the distractions of every-day life. In the long history of the Catholic Church, many great saints and holy people followed the example set by Jesus Christ, and they went into the silence of the wilderness to pray, to contemplate and to adore God.
Sacred Heart provides this retreat experience for students in grades 6 - 12 through their attendance of in-school or weekend retreats, which are announced by the Religion Administrator. All high school students are required to attend their designated retreats. In the event the principal allows a student to be absent from his/her respective retreat due to extenuating circumstances (serious illness, death of immediate family member, etc.), he/she will be required to attend another class’s retreat approved by the administration. Voluntary retreats are also scheduled and announced by the Religion Administrator and Administration.