Catholic Formation, Academic Rigor,
Leadership and Service
K-3 students are allowed to bring invitations to school for distribution for private parties ONLY if they include ALL BOYS/GIRLS in that grade level.
All elementary grades have a religious celebration before dismissal for the Christmas holidays. There are FALL and SPRING activities arranged for all elementary students. Parents should not send food or treats for the children without checking with the child/children’s teacher. In grades K-3, check with your child’s teacher if you would like to send a birthday treat for the afternoon recess.
Gift giving among K-12 students is not allowed. The school discourages exclusive boy-girl relationships at school. No boy or girl is to bring a present for a “girlfriend” or “boyfriend” at
Christmas, Valentine’s Day or any other occasion. Parents or friends are not to send birthday or other presents, food gifts or flowers to students at school.
Except in emergency situations, parents are asked not to call the office to deliver messages to students. Phone-use in the school offices (elementary and high school) will be limited to emergency use only and monitored by office personnel. Arrangements for rides, etc. should be made before school. The office is a place of business, and personal matters should not interfere with its operation. Delivering messages also interrupts the instructional process in the classroom for all students.